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1. A person, especially a man, regarded as being a goon, dufus, or dumb ass an ineffective person.
2. a contraction of the words penis and wiener ie. peener the bizarro world equivalent of which would be a weenis.
3. Vulgar Slang. A penis.

I can't believe I forgot about that. Maybe I have amnesia or maybe I was just a peener.

Excuse me, that was my peener you just groped.

by Nick April 28, 2006

88πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

symphony girl

Elegant and fashionable; classy; an arousingly and physically attractive woman with sweet sexual desire. Sweet to an excess; cloying.

Damn, i want to make love to a symphony girl. That girl is super sweet looking with a sort of classy and fashionable element to her. She also looks kind of tuff and rugged, almost like a j. crew/giardelli chocolate catalog girl with a buffalo stance tendency.

by Nick September 18, 2007

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Bobby Brown

Dank weed

Last night I smoked some Bobby Brown.

by Nick October 9, 2003

97πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž

cabbage patch

Dance move that white guys tried to have catch on to confuse women into thinking that white guys have rhythm. Successfully performed when both your shoulders and fists (which are placed together in a manner that looks like you just connected both ends of an extension cord) move in time with each other in a fluid, circular motion. All the rage in the late 80's and early 90's.

"Jeremiah did the cabbage patch at a youth group mixer, and all the white girls flocked to him because he tricked them into thinking that he had rhythm. He's really a poser."

by Nick February 5, 2004

364πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

tobacco road

Refers to the state of North Carolina which is the best college basketball state of all time and has powerhouses of Duke, UNC, NC State and Wake Forest

Ain't no team better than teams on Tobacco Road

by Nick April 4, 2005

45πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Some that tag's along with you everywhere and invites themselves over to your house, some what like a douche bag

Tyler why are you inviting yourself over to my house cant you jump of a bridge like everyone else

by Nick January 26, 2005

80πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


a french person derived during the war on terror.

The weasels were cowards during the War on Terror.

by Nick November 8, 2004

7πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž