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Marching band

1. a group of amazing hilarious (yet perverted) people who can march in step, following a drill chart, while either playing music or spinning a flag/rifle/sabre
2. people playing music in the stands at a football game or dancing to it
3.the hardest workers in the world
4. a group including brass, percussion, woodwinds, and colorguard.
5. my life
6 synonym:awesomeness

1. The marching band is hot!!!
2. the colorguard shimmied to wipe out, so the drummers were distracted.
3 those damn saturday 7 hour practices.
4. woodwinds are bad marchers, and percussion doesn't even dare to try
5 i have band practice 7 days a week.

by dani December 18, 2004

1120πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž

july 21

Just another day where some person was born

youre birthday

by dani January 15, 2004

212πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

na mean

Slang for, 'know what I mean'. It is also over used by all the hip rappers

sup dawg. i got dat girl na mean and we went to mah house, na mean? and wwe got our fa-reek on na mean nigga? shoot i wanna hit dat ass uno mo time na mean nigga?

by dani April 18, 2004

25πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


When something is J-Waters.

Observing someone speaking and joshing to fake birds. For an uncomfortably long time.

by dani April 6, 2003

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Girl Next Door

That girl you see everyday, she makes a really great friend, is super sweet and is the perfect girl to bring home to you're parents.
She is also very attractive, and modest about it.

Joey Potter from the hit WB show 'Dawsons Creek' is the pefect example of a girl next door type.

by dani November 26, 2004

1843πŸ‘ 945πŸ‘Ž


even more exciting than woohoo!

daniel exclaimed: hoowoo!

by dani September 30, 2003

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


combination of the names 'Nathan' and 'Haley' - 2 characters on the WB TV show "One Tree Hill". If you are a 'Naley' fan then you support this coupling.

Naley are the best WB couple since Pacey and Joey.

by dani December 15, 2005

293πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž