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Abbie is a kind hearted wonderful girl. She can be a smart girl if she really tries. She can we very feisty. But really quite. She can be a very outgoing Person, if you really get to know her. She has many small groups of friends because she fits into many different categories as a person. She is usually the head of each of those groups because no one has a problem with her in that group. She always gives great advice about anything. She is also a great person to talk to. She doesn't really have that much self esteem when it comes to herself. There isn't any guys lining up for her.

Do you know an Abbie if so comment or like?

by - a girl that knows December 5, 2018

161πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Madison is usually a ginger. She is a smart kindhearted gorgeous girl. She is someone that you should have in your life. If you donҀ™t you need one in your life.

If you have or are a Madison like or comment.

by - a girl that knows December 5, 2018


A Braylee is a girl that has a group of friends that really care about her but doesn't know it. She surrounds herself with people that dont really care about her, known as popular kids. She repedivualy get put down by these girls, but is blind sighted by it and keeps going back to these girls. What is sad is that she is really a gorgeous, kind, smart, funny girl and those "popular kids" dont see that. But she has that small group of friends that does understands her and really does care about her. But this group feels like Braylee doesn't care about them. Thus group is always there for her, but if she doesn't start giving them the created they deserve, they might not always be there for her. Braylee is a gorgeous,kind, smart, funny, Feisty girl. If you dont have a Braylee in your life then your life isn't completed.

If you are or know this type of Braylee comment or like this. I know a type of Braylee like this.

by - a girl that knows December 5, 2018

101πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž