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North Harford High School

I go/went to NHHS. I thought it was fucking LAME.

All the kids are wiggers and/or wanna be hardasses. I'd like to see what would happen if you dropped them on the block in downtown Baltimore and then see how gangsta they are then. LOL. You live on or near a farm assholes. your not black. you did not grow up in the projects. YOUR WHITE. and your dad is a farmers. LOL.

The faculty thinks they are running a prision and the school is dirty and old. other then that it was fine.

and way to go john carroll poster. you look like a complete asshole...

way to brag about beiong addicted to hard drugs. hope mommy and daddy pay to get you outta a coma.

just remember mommy n daddy can't pay to get you outta death when you O.D. on drugs or wreck your brand new M3 @ the age of 16.

this has been an example of why high school is dumb, and people think it is so cool. LAME

by -Straight ghettoo- March 28, 2005

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