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Bedford High school

Bedford High School... where do I begin?
1. We have a threat almost every week.

2.filled with useless teachers who don’t know how to help student and when asked, they are as useless as a fucking white crayon

3.Grading system is absolute shit, makes no sense compared to literally any other school America. Explain how one can have a 85 but NCY at the same time.

4. School hours are stupid because not every just has the extra time to go do community service and other shit.

5. why are there almost no choices for in between classes? For most students we are stuck between either Being stressed out of our minds or bored out of our minds because they ignore the majority of students in the middle

6.dress code, there isn’t a very strict one but god forbid you have a teacher who dislikes you and sends you down to the office every other class when you have an “ inappropriate” outfit even tho there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and the office says there’s nothing wrong with it

7. Teachers are very biased. If they don’t like you then you’re screwed.

8. Why tf are prom tickets so expensive? School already has enough money and the kids already spend so much to prepare for prom? These are teens, not everyone is filled with 65/75 dollars to pay for each ticket.

9. Pep rally’s and dances become less and less fun because school administrators become so strict and don’t lets kids have fun. God forbid there be a swear in a song or that we chant “go home freshman”

“I hate Bedford High School, the school sucks.”
“Damn man that’s the worst.”

by -Student at this hell hole May 2, 2019