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A political affiliation revolving around the idea of having Queen of Rap, Nicki Minaj, as the leader of both the United States and the world; like she leads the charts, purrr.

I’m not a democrat or a republicant, I’m part of the Barbism party and identify as a Barbie Ting.

by -The All-Knowing- March 7, 2021


A political affiliation revolving around the idea of having Queen of Rap, Nicki Minaj, as the leader of both the United States and the world; like she leads the charts, purrr.

I’m not a democrat or a republicant, I’m part of the Barbism party and identify as a Barbie Ting.

by -The All-Knowing- March 7, 2021


Dick/ penis/ willy in Brazilian Portuguese

Eu chupa roludo grande todo dia.

by -The All-Knowing- December 29, 2018

3👍 2👎


A robotic gay/fag/faggot/homosexual

I am a big faggatron

by -The All-Knowing- December 29, 2018