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Andra is a really ugly girl, she's soo lost but she's sweet and has a BIG BIG BOOTY. Every 9th graded would fall in LOVE wth her, not completly her but her BOOTY. Her eyes look like a chihuhaha but it's okay.

Wow that girl's bum looks like Andra's.
Ughh she's so ugly and dumb, as if she was Andra.

by -baby boo, baby boo June 17, 2018

1👍 24👎


Andra is used for a person who is sweet, has a BIG BOOTY but she's ugly, gay and dumb. She's the new Kim K. Her eyes look like chihuahua's but her lashes are bigger than her but. Every 9th grader likes her big thing.

Wow that girl has a Andra butt.
DAUMN you so dumb as if you were andra.

by -baby boo, baby boo June 17, 2018