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unrequited love

Loving someone who will never love you back. If you're like me, the term will apply to someone who probably used to love you but you either didnt take the chance to fall for them, scared of being hurt, or, quite simply, blew it. And now spend your time wishing after them, wishing one day they'll love you again.
However, when one day you realise the one you love, loves you back, it gives you the most amazing, elated feeling you never thought was possible.

Examples of unrequited love:

1. Romeo to Benvolio - "well, in that hit you miss: she'll not be hit With Cupid's arrow, she hath Dian's wit;"

2. Tom will never know how much he means to me... after all this time.

Even songs are written about it: "And behind his tierd eyes, she sees the boy with his arms wide, who made her feel like an angel... 'cus she's lovin' him still for the rest of her life..."

by ..:Hecter:.. May 13, 2006

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