Source Code


JFK Can mean just fucking kidding , just fucking killing , just fucking know

Just fucking know -
parents: what do you think that

You: I just fucking know he's there

Just fucking kidding-
Boyfriend: I was JFK we did fuck last night and it was amazing not boring

Just fucking killing-
Friend: what are you doing?

You: just jfk

Friend: who are you just fucking killing all night?

You: Jeff

Jeff: are you fucking kidding me?

You: no your going to die!!!!

*evil laugher and screams gunshot*

You: Fred you are now my Accomplice try and turn me in you didn't stop me from killing so you turn me in I'll turn you in

Friend: fine

Director: and cut that's a rap good job Fred, tony and you Jeff you did a good job being dead

by .Lilcat. August 6, 2017