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RU screw

The tendency for Rutgers University to fuck you over in some way or another due to their incompetence. Be it financially, academically, or otherwise. It eventually happens to everybody that attends the university.

Example 1: Transfer to Rutgers from another college, lose a year worth of credits. You got the RU Screw.

Example 2: Supposed to graduate in May? NOPE! Registrar fucked up your GPA calculations and you were deleted from the graduation list. You got the RU Screw.

Example 3: Financial aid department fucked up and your registration was canceled. You got the RU Screw.

Example 4: Buy a $300 parking permit, get to campus and there is not a single fucking parking spot available or the lot/garage is just plain closed because it's full. You got the RU Screw.

by 0xide March 12, 2012

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