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A good, original idea for a website until it was hijacked after takeoff by the majority of the teenage populaton and 45% of the adult population.

Most of these people take forms as trolls, flamers, ignorant retards, fanboys/fangirls, or people who just manage to piss everyone off with their definitions. Only a small minority of the definitions on this site are written by sane, logical, smart people.

Sadly, many stupid, ignorant people had to butcher those definitons simply because they saw the definition got alot of thumbs ups.

One major problem of the site is that because 75% of the definitions on Urbandictionary are written by sex addicted morons, 80% of the definitions are sexually related, turning a good movie, GoldenEye, into some sex maneuver that simply doesn't even makes sense.

People also turn this site into a place to let their anger out on respectable, good people. For example, one definition for the police was "
An asshole who arrested innocent people for smoking weed". Well, if they were smoking weed, they wouldn't be innocent would they?

Other people also feel the urge to criticize famous people on Urbandictionary simply because no one wants to listen to their ignorant gibberish in reality.

Plus, half of the definitions on this site contain typos, grammar mistakes, and typing that makes them look like they are texting a definition.

11 year old troll:
fkin lebron james suks donkey dik i could even take dat nigguh in a match

Stupid Jealous Flamer:
Bill Gates is a motherfucker cause he's filthy rich and doesn't care about other people.

Horny teenager:
Goldeneye: when u piss in ur gf's eye during sex
*proceeds to crash his laptop due to tryin to watch porn*

Angry criminal:
Police: Power abusing assholes who took my crack cocaine and confiscated everything I had, they suck ass.

by 12 year old with some logic August 8, 2010

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