(slang) Typically used when talking about Psychedelic Mushrooms hitting really hard, or either looking to take a strong trip on Mushrooms.
Friend 1: "Last night we were everything everywhere!"
Friend 2: "Dayum broski we were certainly on another quest for the Mysterious Oysters!"
a Slang term for taking strong gel-tabs (also used as a term for other psychedelics).
"Beware of the Microplastic(s)!"
1. (Noun/Person) When referring to LeBron James as the Goat, typically yelling at a friend.
2. When someone does something amazing.
3. When any person dunks any object.
4. When someone makes an impossible shot (similar to "Kobe" or ",Jordan" etc.)
Friend 1: **throws a milkshake from a moving car into a trash can and makes it**
Friend 2: "LeBron Jackson!"
An Original 3-piece Rock N' Roll Band from America, influenced by the randomness of dreams, infinite space, deep thoughts, and our shifting perceptions.
"..as the automated story goes.."
Musical tastes include
(but are not limited to):
Alice in Chains, buckethead, The beatles, 2Pac, Ritchie Valens, Desiigner, Etta James, the temptations, notorious big, the Doors, John Denver, Otis Redding, Jimi Hendrix, rae strummond, Silverchair, AC/DC, 50s Swang, Metallica, Elvis Presley (and More...)
-Party like them too.
Obey the tv
"..hey did you ever hear that lullabye by Dé Merè?.."
When your minding your own business on a back road downtown, and see a huge pile of Shit on the sidewalk.
"Hey joey, wheres the.. HOLY FUCKING SHIT LOOK AT THIS.. EWW!!"
"Dé Merè, warned us of sniffing around for those corn pattys everywhere"
When you see someone who is running around harrassing you and your friends at 3:30am for a ciggarette or dollar, but you cant understand them because you arent fluent in complete gibberish.
They vibrate when they talk and like to chase moving cars, and talk to themselves in the middle of busy streets.
(Also a leading suspect of leaving corn pattys around the city and busters in the bathroom stalls)
Crackey: "yo boy, you gotta siggatte, dolla, hey you gotta korta, buy me a boyga.. Where yall goin??"
AJ: "yo cracky, get the fuck outta here! We aint got shit, just 40s, shortys, and knuckle sandwiches"
Cracky(while dropping a fresh corn patty): "yo ill eat that too"