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short for Intensive Care Unit.

ICU is a place in a hospital where they place a person who's in very critical condition so he/she can be closely monitored, and if necessary p0laced in care. They have care from the least critical like people who had a heart attack, and are breathing, and are fine, but need to be monitored closely, to the sickest of the sickest patients who require complete bodily functional support from a ventilator, ECMO, and lots of other machines.

1. He's in ICU, and they have him on the jet ventilator.
2. What's going on with him?
3. He's probably not going to survive. He's in severe ARDS.

by 1992peter March 27, 2010

67πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Cough Assist. A device used for people who hafe an ineffective cough from a disease such as SMA, MD, DMD, Tay-Sachs, Sandhoff, or some other neuromuscular disorder like that.

1. I have a CA machine, and its almost time to use it.
2. Will you use the suction machine when you use it?
3. No. I'm trying to use that only when I need it now.
4. I can cough a lot better, but just need a bit of help, and sometimes if I'm having trouble with my lungs, I suction while I'm using the cough assist, but I'm doing it A LOT less than I use to need to.
6. I know.
7. I hated having to stick that tube down into my throat all the time.
8. I hated watching you do it. I felt bad for you.
9. awwwwww, Thank you

by 1992peter February 14, 2010

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High Frequency Ventilation.
HFV is a special kind of ventilation used for fragile lungs. It ventilates the lungs at a high frequency. For example, the HFOV, (High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator), ventilates lungs from rates of 300 to 1200 breaths per minute, or BPM.

1. I don't think his lungs are going to hold.
2. I don't either.
3. Get him on HFV.
4. HFOV, or HFJV?
5. HFOV.
6. All right.

by 1992peter February 15, 2010

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AM is short for Air Mattress.

Its the kind of mattress that can either be pumped up by foot, and/or by electric pump.

1. When I took that tunug medicine, the mattress boy tole me to get on the AM.
2. I saw that AM, and it was vibrating.
3. I hate the AM.
4. I do too.
5. I'm going to pump the AM up, and we can get on it.
6. All right, You can do that.

by 1992peter February 14, 2010

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AM is short for Anesthetic Machine.

1. Bring the AM in here, and we'll get him sedated.
2. All right.
3. Which airway should I use, the LMA, or the ET tube?
4. The LMA.
5. All right.

by 1992peter March 27, 2010

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An oscillator is an HFOV.
2. An oscillator is a medical device used in the hospital when a conventional ventilator isn't working, and/or the patient's lungs are to fragile to tollerate opening, and closing. It shoots several hundred breaths per minute into the patient's lungs at very small puffs, so the lungs can rest, and they don't have to open and close, and while they are resting, the patient is still being ventilated.

1. Is he on his oscillator?
2. Yes.
3. He's on the Sensormedics 3100A Oscillator.
4. All right.

by 1992peter February 14, 2010

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


X26 is a brand of taser devices. Its one of the newest in it's kind. It's a taser that has what's called XP. Extra Pennitration. What this means, is that it can easily pennitrate through lines of clothing, and then it causes the NMI effect. NMI is short for Neuromuscular Incapacitation. The X26 taser is full of compact features such as laser sighting, LED flashlight, memory storage of events, an optional air cartridge that can fire up to 35 feet, and lots and lots of other wonderful features.

1. I tased him with the X26 taser, and he went to the ground just like that!!
2. OUCH.
3. Yes.
4. He wet his pants due to the NMI effect.

by 1992peter February 15, 2010