A hairstyle that people spend almost an hour to make with gel and hairspray, to make it look like they did nothing with it when they woke up in the morning.
Jake: Wow, nice bed head. Didn't you bother to comb your hair today when you woke up?
Josh: I did!
Jake: ...but then you made it like that...right?
Josh. Yeah...lol.
Jake: Wow...Edgy.
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A chemical reaction in the brain that is triggered by the view of another human's bodily supremacy and attitude.
Once love is activated, that human will follow the human which he/she loves and try to find the quickest and easiest way to begin the reproduction stage with them. This usually consists of Peacocking, flirting and showing off, to show their own superiority.
If both humans agree that each other are reproductive material, they will engage in a courtship. This triggers a new type of reaction, or 'love'; the two humans will stay together and protect each other until the baby is born, and even after that, to ensure the growth of the offspring.
Jane: Kyle, I have this feeling for you that I just can't explain, and it over powers me.
Kyle: It's a chemical reaction that was triggered when you examined my body and heard some of my perceptions on things, and you decided that I have strong genes that would be good for the future of our child if we had one.
Kyle: Yes I can, it's a natural reaction to ensure the prosperity of the human race, and you girls are the ones who try to make it seem like more than that.
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A breed of alien species that became the first, undeniable contact between humans and aliens. They were first discovered inside their UFO hovering over Johannesburg.
They sport an ant-like exoskeleton, with human like limbs. They are very skinny, but are usually a foot or more taller than a human of similar age.
The Poleepkwa took my wife away yesterday, but gave her back today. She has a slight limp.
A community on youtube who animate with the program Pivot Stickfigure Animator. This community contains many members, most of which are under the age of 14. Thanks to the main community members like PivotmasterDX, Hopdiddy, Deltapivot, and Magnificentness saying 1337 words and repeating memes and fads mindlessly, like they're funny, the massive community of noobs has spammed them and have now ruined the whole comedy of such behavior.
Yeh I haev pivot, but i qwit becuz it waz too boaring foar me. But i still suck up 2 PivotmasterDX becuz he's popular and i'm a conforming prepubescent middle-skewler. it aer funneh when i talk liek this becuz funneh ppl talk leik thizz. So i herd u liek mudki- *gets shot*
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A little phrase used to sound powerful while making a threat.
John: If you rat me out, so help me God I will break out of jail and snap your neck!
Matt:... I thought you were an athiest?
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