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People who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement which started in 2007 and has grown more and more popular since. Teabaggers come from all walks of life.
Teabaggers don't agree on all issues, but come together with the common interest of following the constitution as for the role of the federal government. Limited government, lower federal government spending, lower taxes, individual liberty - are common ideals.

Many Teabaggers are constitutionalists, libertarians, classical liberals, or paleo conservatives.

The progressives tried to ridicule the tea party movement (using Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" of 1-ISOLATE 2-RIDICULE 3-DESTROY) but it backfired on them, when the tea party redefined the term 'Teabagger', and began to wear the moniker proudly.

by 2012 Ron Paul April 16, 2010

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