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1. A strong general desire for accomplishment, wealth or power, generally described as a positive trait.

2. A specific, overwhelming, desire in the vein of (1).

3. A card game played mainly by American college students, and the center of a minor scandal: falsely believing the game was written for political purposes (to unite international socialists) a group of right-wing Interneters mounted a campaign to supress and defame the game. The political motives behind the game have been debunked, though the game occasionally shows up in some tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

1. That fool's got no ambition whatsoever.

2. My ambition is to score a 1700 on the SATs.

3. "If Ambition wuz written to start revoltin's, then I can control weather patterns with my penis!" -- Cthulhu, post-celebrity and scrapin' by as an insult comic.

by 23 skidoo January 10, 2005

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