Considered once as "The "Nations" embarrassment due to fictional films such as Deliverance, Dukes of Hazard, Brokeback Mountain along with poor performance's from actors such as Luke perry and John Travolta.
The true Redneck is forming into a classic tale Quasimodo.
A dirt-under-the nail Patriot, secretly known as America's first line of offense of homeland security. With test proven tactical gear such as the 84' Scottsdale 4X4 outfitted with 44' swampers and a 6 inch lift. Land ,Sea and Air, is but of time issue.
Camo Fatique is standard issue on any redneck for stealthy operations. a jug under the seat is any ration for motivation and a individuals boost of morale.
At post usually blasting some form of Bocefus , a fav being "A country boy can survive" Rednecks are usually Identified under the flag known only as "Dixie".
Years of hand to hand combat training has been administered by a local pub or dance hall..Weapons of choice range from long range deer rifles with hig powered scope for sniper div. Area clearing Double barrel shotguns, and enemy close engagement with side sheathed buck folder.
With orders passed with any military through the chain of command Heavy players at helm are Walton and Johnson radio, Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck.
There's Rednecks in them there woods....
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