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Taylor Swift

A "country" singer who has a large following of girls aged 10-18, thinking the are "big country fans" even though the only "country" they listen to is Taylor Swift. Her music is actually pop with a bit of fiddle and a fake southern accent, making up the "country" aspect of her music.

13 y.o. girl: OMG!1!!1 dID U gEt teh NeW TAy sWiFt aLbUm? ItS HeLlA raw!!11! ivE aLWaYs bEEn a BIG coUnTRy faN!!1!!

Actual country music fan: Taylor Swift isn't country (throws ipod filled with songs by George Strait, Hank Williams Sr. and Jr., Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, etc. at her)

by 3803 July 16, 2009

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