Someone who can not help to bend the truth. They often can not stop lying even if they try itâs not possible. This can be caused by trauma in early age. Compulsive liars lie about everything no matter how big or small. Some believe that there lies are true sometimes. They still lie even if it actually has no benefit. It can be described as living in a box being able to see outside and hear what your saying, and wanting to say something but a complete lie come out instead.
Jen: my favorite animals are dogs!
Steve: thatâs cool.
Jen: *why did I say that itâs a complete lie, why do I have to be a compulsive liar*
A compulsive liar lies all the time about nothing for no reason. Itâs not something able to be controlled easily. It often forms from trauma at a young age. They lie no matter, even if it doesn't benefit them. It can be described as living in a box and knowing what you want to say then having a lie come out your mouth instead. Some times they even believe there lies. It can be a horrible thing because itâs not like you have control of your own body.
Jen:I like cats!
Jen:*thatâs not true why did I say that, why do I have to be a compulsive liar.*