A clusterf*ck (yeah im doing this on a school computer don't judge me) of 4 elementary schools, a middle, and a high school.
A little key for the e. schools:
Mackay- Boring af, trust me I went there
Smith- Rich mofos
Mom/Maugh- Criminals (the teachers not the students)
Stillman- Idk kinda normal, don't know much about it
Middle School ( I could write an entire 1000-page novel about this s***hole):
6th- Okay (1st-Navy, 2nd-White, 3rd-Indigo (definitely not biased))
7th - THE BOILER ROOM OF HELL (1st-Blue, 2nd-Purple, 3rd-Maroon (definitely not biased again)
8th - Again, pretty okay (they're are all pretty okay)
High School - I have no words (actually I think most experiences are different)
Thats all I have.
Also, Keith is god
--"Oh, I enrolled my students into Tenafly Schools."
--"Oh, I hope you rot forever in hell."