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served when u get blown out... or when u loose in a race

4d went up to sam and asked do u like shane-o? sam replied no i like him pointing to nady... shane-o got served.

man ur eg6 is well fast... i got served :Grr:

by 4d_owns August 11, 2006

14👍 44👎

jdm y0

jdma part that is fitted to a car that is made for the japanese domestic market. jdm y0 parts that are made in an old rusty warehouse in taiwan fitted to cars who want to be bwaad. jdm=fad

i like them jdm y0 lights u bought for your car off eGay, im getting some for my corsa merit? i want to jump on the band wagon aswell.

by 4d_owns August 12, 2006

7👍 27👎


for the win again but abreviated ftw w sounds like it begins with dub.

ur new spoon calipers are ftdub imho i need to get me a set

by 4d_owns January 12, 2008

15👍 8👎