Blues club where none of the women are getting laid.
Zoe: how was the balsam room last night? Chloe: it was. House of blue clits I left so dry I felt like I was in the sahara desert!
Historic natatorium indoor pool located in point Richmond California.
Hey let's go to the plunge in point Richmond today then we'll eat. At point orient.
Legit. I literally just caught a trifectacunt on a live webcam!
Nomenclature that was popular in the Hollywood entertainment scene
Ca 1980s-1990s. Basically
The pinnacle of egotism and self aggrandizement. The latter day equivalent of I'm the shit. Think avec moi Le deluge after me.the flood
Agent to aspiring producer-ive got you up for 1st bill executive producer on clitbusters 3
Think you can handle it? Aspiring produce r; you kidding? I'm! I'm tits!
Small town in the greater los angeles area.located southeast of downtown la. On the concrete shores of the los angeles river.abutted by the 710 freeway to the east. Cudahay is the 2nd smallest city area wise in the los angeles area after hawaiian gardens. This town is known for its warehouse and industrial business es
"I've got a busy day tomorrow
I've got to pickup my load in rancho cucamonga.then head up to sylmar.back down to pacoima then I end my day in cudahay ca with my final drop for the day
A mall where most tenants have vacated.due to changes in retail shopping patterns. Online shopping plays a big role in this phenomonem.
Hey! Let's go to fiesta mall today. It's. Almost a ghost mall at this point.i'll bring my camera
We could shoot some great video!
Translates to the king's highway. The original road built during the spanish colonial era runs from Baja California del sur thru Calif up to the north of Sonoma a significant portion of it runs through tby
The san Francisco bay area; specifically mostly down the san mateo county peninsula.starting just south of daly. City. Where. It transitions from mission blvd to y ecm. It then runs down the peninsula to san Jose. Most of it runs through a polyglot melange of shopping centers. Car dealerships restaurants hotel and motels and the like.
I was gonna take the el camino real instead of "280" from daly city down to san Jose to see how long it takes
I was in stop and go traffic the whole way down! And it took all afternoon to get there!