To snort lines of cocaine off a woman s bare abdomen.
We. Snow skied all day. An then we did some snow trailin that night.
Similar to character doubling wherein in this case 2 characters usually of the same sex and are who are diametrically opposed to one another in the narrative arcs of the story brush up against. Each other (metaphorically speaking)in an homoerotic sense.
Homoerotic doubling occurs several times in the movie ",to live y
And die in la". here are some examples y this:1 when special agent Rick chance is meeting with countedfeier rick Masters to make a down payment on an under cover counterfeit buy: Masters approaching spcl agent chance:"is this my 'package?'"as he appears to grab chances crotch
Example 2: in the longshoreman's bar in San Pedro following Rick chances successful jump off the vincent Thomas bridge: Rick chance* to my partner Jimmy Hart whose expertise in rigging a safety line can only be exceeded by his skill in spotting bad paper voice from the crowd-how about a speech boss jimmy hart-whenever I'm going to bag. Someone there's no one I'd rather have "backing me up"then this fella! Example 3 immede iately following as chance and Hart are walking towards chance's pick up truck: jimmy. Hart: "such a mother fucking 'hot dog' you're . never gonna reach retirement! Chance"that's your problem 'baby!'" then chance reaches in his pickup truck and pulls out a. Fancy fishing pole(phallus?) Hart: whistles "hey Ricky she's a 'beauty!' chance:"yeah and they tell me the 'trout jump all over it!" Example 4: at chances Malibu beach cottage with special agent john vuckovich. Chance: I'm gonna'bag'(countedfeier) Rick. Masters I don't give a shit how I do it!"
Satellite office of the main production office on a movie set. Base camps are mobile and move every day with the primary location for the day.
We were out on 2nd unit at the 'b' location for the afternoon. We'll be in constant contact with the. Base camp while we work.
Classic retro diner/ coffee shop in the googie coffee shop vernacular. Located in the la dera heights. Neighborhood of Los Angeles
This restaurant is uniquely situated on a triangular parcel of land formed by the intersection of la tierra blvd centinela blvd and la cienaga blvd
It's recent claim to fame is that the interior was used in the movie little miss sunshine.
Let's go up to panns diner for breakfast. I hear the chicken and waffles combo is tastesaytional
Social atmosphere highly conducive to a group of gen xrs hanging outâ¦
Bill : what did you think of the high school reunion? Mike: x-agen
Man! X-agen!
Stands for subterranean linear induction transit station ð to fully understand this definition you may want to reference the definition for the. Flori-cal linear induction tube. In the future of high speed rail at some point it is going to become necessary to have a transit station located deep underground close to the geographic center of the United States which would likely be somewhere in coffee county kansas. This transfer station would provide a critical nexus for the system and would allow more major Us cities to be served. In addition to a transfer station this deep underground station would also have retail restaurant space as well as residences for the wealthy. This would be similar to Frank lloyd wrights conceptual underground community broadacres. The trains themselves would be powered by a combination of pneumatics mag lev magnets and an as yet determined fuel. Passengers would have to wear'g force'suits to sustain the number of g's their bodies would have to sustain
Slits is an idea whose time has "come"
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