Source Code

txt msg

Text Messaging. Popular cell phone feature among suburban affluent pill poppers who can't walk and talk at the same time so they have to send encrypted messages that only AOL users can decipher. Words are abbriviated whenever possible and capitalization and punctuation are never used as it was never taught in remedial english.

im 2 la-z 2 spel wrdz kerekly n i have a ltd nolg of da en lang so i txt msg

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer July 14, 2003

41πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


It is. Opposite of taint.

I was scratching my taint and I found my tis.

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer July 31, 2003

19πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Bastardized form of the word "escape" meaning to set free.

Used by people with a first grade reading level.

I'mo excape from Riker's Island and steal yo big screen tv and sell it for some mo' rocks ya know what i'm sayin'? Ya dum wite muhfugga!

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer August 7, 2003

54πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

20 DollA RocK

Da most intelagentest rap artist ever 2 bust caps in yo ass. He from da stareets so he knows how 2 keep it reel.

20 DollA RocK got some mad flow yall.
Wigga get you ass up and buy da cd chump.

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer July 14, 2003

58πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Crack. Mixture of cocaine and baking soda. Final product is broken up into small cubes or "rocks" and smoked.
geocities.com/twentydollarock got yo rocks.

Y'all think you a gangsta like 20 DollA RocK? Get you ass out there and hustle these rocks ya dumb muhfugga!

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer July 18, 2003

634πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž


Verb. To put up a false facade. See frontin

Yo, check out backstreet over there frontin in his hyundizzay.

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer July 15, 2003

351πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

buck studs

Those Cracker-Jack-box Diamonique stud earrings that any poser buck will wear.

Manitory dress code for anyone with a recording or sports contract.

Usually worn with the standard accoutrements such as the tall tee, do-rag, MLB hat cocked at an angle, grill, T-Mobile phone and a white girl.

Why spend your "gub-mint check" on things like child support, student loans or car insurance when you can proudly moisten your lips in public while sportin' some buck studs?

by 50 Cent Crack Dealer May 12, 2008

94πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž