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Dense yet Flakey

Adjective: The term used to describe an unintelligent individual who atleast seems interesting but cam never follow through with plans.

Person 1: "hey maybe we should hang with John this weekend"

Person 2: " nah he's dense yet flakey"

Person 1: "oh truuu"

by 50ShadesOfPale May 22, 2015


Verb: meaning to "get down with that." or reach a lower level. Most commonly used with a positive connotation, like "I'll stoop to that."

Other Uses:

2. a dance move meaning to physically get low in the squat position.

3. a threat, like "Stoop to me, bitch"

Person 1: "Hey did you hear Lucy's having a party?"

Person 2: "Yeah that sounds lame let's not go and instead let's go paint balling."

Person 1: "ok I can stoop to that"

by 50ShadesOfPale May 20, 2015

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