what you would say if
i could breathe a word
but weΓ’ΒΒre breathless all the same
5π 3π
feels so right with you
a quiet recognition
4224 :: 2611 :: 1614
4π 3π
when you move on me
I become soft as putty
and wildly freaky
3π 3π
oh my honeypot
life is just so much sweeter
when weΓ’ΒΒre side to side
2π 3π
when you think of me
you know that i can hear you
and feel you taste me
603 :: 373 :: 231
3π 3π
sweet first kiss smell taste
remembering brings a smile
softly lingering
722 :: 276 :: 446
2π 3π
my heart just loves you
my body craves your sweet touch
weΓ’ΒΒre resonating
752 :: 287 :: 465
5π 3π