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Faze Greg Pool


FaZe made its debut on the black market on January 2, 350 B.C. Originally, the group was a drug-selling clan founded by a saint, FaZe Greg Pool. This legend garnered a reputation for being a legend.

by 5T0PiD March 8, 2021


A misspelling of Rajit
An Indian god that can bend both someone's gender and their bendings

Billy: Hey Dude did u hear what happened to Adam?
Dude: No, what happened to him?
Billy: Apparently he used to be a nationality bender and a boy, but because of Regit he's now a water bender and a girl.

by 5T0PiD November 11, 2019

2👍 1👎

Fella Pure

Something that everyone named Arnab should watch.

Dude 1: bro did u watch fella pure?
Arnab: nope
Dude 1: but your name is Arnab

by 5T0PiD February 18, 2021