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The LGBTQ+ community is like normal humans. All the lgbtq+ people should not be treated differently for being themselves.

L-Lesbian or a woman liking another woman

G-Gay or a male liking another male

B-Bi, Bisexual or a male/female liking both males and females

T-Transgender or being born as male or female but feeling like you should be the opposite gender then you are born

Q-Questioning or wondering if your part of the LGBTQ+ community

+- Asexual, Gender-fluid, Non Binary, Queer and many more.

The LGBTQ+ community should be treated like normal human beings because they did nothing wrong but like the same gender or having different pronouns (They/Them, He/Him or She/ Her) and they are still normal humans.

Kid 1- What’s you Gender?
Kid 2- I’m non-binary

Kid 1- Whats that?
Kid 3- It’s part of the LGBTQ+ community

by 6school6 November 26, 2019

36👍 62👎