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Sitting Shower

An action in which your legs are simply too tired, yet you don’t want to take a bath. Instead you just turn the shower and sit down with all your items circled around you so you don’t have to stand

“Hey Colette you gonna take a bath”?
“Nah I’ll just take a Sitting Shower”.

by 707 lololol June 18, 2019

Sitting Shower

The action of when your legs are simply to tired to stand but you want to take a shower. So instead of a regular shower you lay your items of body soap and hair products on the floor of ur bath, turn the shower on, and sit untill you’ve finished washing yourself.

“Hey, you going to take a shower”.
“Nah, I think I’ll just take a sitting shower”.

by 707 lololol June 18, 2019