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It suppresses coughs. But the real effects of DXM happen when you disobey the instructions on the bottle and take a shitload. DXM has four plateaus. No one ever does the first one. The second plateau isn’t really a trip, it’s more like being drunk and high. Plateau three is trip. It's the point when you don't want to look in the mirror. High up in the third plateau, when you move, there is no feeling.. you're a floating pair of eyeballs. The 4th plateau is entered by few and those who do enter are not always eager to return. It's not uncommon to see aliens of go blind of forget who you are.

Anyways don't be an idiot and go taking the cough medicine in your cabinet because you read this. Other ingredients in cold medicines can make you horribly sick or kill you. Only take the medicine if the ONLY ingredient is dextromethorphan.

Pure DXM is generally regarded as one of the safer recreational drugs. It contains no chemically addictive properties, although it has psychological addiction potential. As far as brain damage goes, www.abovetheinfluence.com, a total bullshit anti-drug website couldn’t even produce a fact about the danger of DXM on the brain. All of their facts concern overdoses on medications like Acetaminophen that come in cold medicines. 350 mg of DXM is a good starting dose if you're inexperienced. Take at you're on risk and do your own research. Read the DXM FAQ by William White before you ever take DXM.

DXM User Type 1: I take DXM once a month. I find the experience to be very enlightening and profound.
DXM User Type 2: I take DXM every weekend man. That shit is great to party!
DXM User Type 3: (slurred) so you see... I've been... I've been... taking.. DX... M for like...like at least three weeks straight now. I chug two bottles at breakfast,...lunch... and dinner ...and dinner man.

by 720mgSTEEEVE November 11, 2009

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