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You spammed your keyboard for some reason. It might've been because of these reasons:
1. Boredom
2. You were curious to see whatever pops up
3. You were completing searches for Microsoft Rewards or something similar
4. You don't know

"(Reason) so Imma just spam my keyboard" which leads to: Sofuod9ftxigxufskgvisutsoyr68riyditxucutwutfpjvvayrsiyoysrusitjpfyocu9pufiydyodiypohi0nobpjfitaeyqrqdqv

by 7_ March 10, 2021


Sofuod9ftxigxufskgvisutsoyr68riyditxucutwutfpjvvayrsiyoysrusitjpfyocu9pufiydyodiypohi0nobpjfitaeyqrqdqv but it's shorter and smaller

Sofuod9 "So-foo-od-9"

by 7_ March 10, 2021


When you
1. Type a bunch of stuff
2. Repeatedly type the same thing

1. "I just spammed my keyboard and Sofuod9ftxigxufskgvisutsoyr68riyditxucutwutfpjvvayrsiyoysrusitjpfyocu9pufiydyodiypohi0nobpjfitaeyqrqdqv showed up"

2. "Guys, Spam the chat with PogChamp" "Some kid keeps spamming the chat"

by 7_ March 10, 2021