Source Code

Seven Dollar Shit

Buying a ticket to see a movie at a movie theater (which is usually around seven dollars) and having an unexpected episode of profuse defecation.

Friend: "How was that movie you guys saw last night?"

Me: "I wouldnt know; it turned out to be a Seven Dollar Shit for me..."

Friend: "Dude! Again? Maybe you should go before you leave."

by 7h0rn3 August 6, 2007

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


(v)synonymous with annihilated, a shortened form of the word used by one while exhibiting the quality and or essence of being annihilated - to be completely and utterly drunk and or stoned out of one's conscious mind.

Crucial: Damn dog, I'm straight nihilated!
Me: Oh yeah, arent you always "nihilated?"

by 7h0rn3 January 22, 2008

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Leave Beard

The scraggly, fuzzy, uneven growth on a servicemember's face while he is on an extended leave of absence.

The last day of vacation usually involves the shaving of the Leave Beard - a very difficult and time consuming task.

by 7h0rn3 April 11, 2010

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To go to bed.

I'm so dead tired. I can't wait to go home and sack-out.

by 7h0rn3 May 15, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a way for the navy to keep you from getting any sleep on your duty day

After being relieved late from my 18-24 watch, i was happy to hear that i had to muster at 0300 with my duty section.

Fortunately the muster only lasted 2 hours and I managed to sleep an additional half hour before 0600 turnover muster and then another muster at my work center.

Apparently, one who sleeps only 3 hours prior to a full day of maintenance on vital ship's systems is sure to do quality work.

by 7h0rn3 February 11, 2010

47πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

white tax

additional charges paid for goods or services purchased by a white person at a minority-run place of business

exact amounts and percentages are at the discretion of the seller, but are often small enough that the buyer doesn't realize the addition until after the transaction has been completed

on my way back from the seven eleven on MLK blvd, i realized my pack of smokes and case of bud cost more than it did from the one i usually go to on first st. must have been my white tax.

by 7h0rn3 September 8, 2010

27πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The altered state of mind that accompanies a larger than average pinch of Copenhagen after an entire day without any nicotine product of any kind.

Results in a temporary state of euphoria and perfect well-being

After a day like today, I need a little piece of Copenheaven to relax.

by 7h0rn3 April 14, 2009