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1.)Preps are a vile plague upon this Earth, a group shallow idiots who come from rich families and beleive they are better than everyone due to that fact. Signs of a prep: ^()^^(TyPe lyke tHiiS&*%&),
Abercrombie and Bitch, Gap etc., irrational hatred of anyone who doesn't look, speak or listen to the same music as them.
2.)Annoying cuntflaps in need of a beating. Also see: Slut, Bitch, Wanker, Dumbass etc.

Preps are elitist cuntflaps who judge others by their appearances. They consider people like me a goth for wearing a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt even though we could all bludgeon them with chairs or any other blunt objects and easily end this disease.

by 7th Son of a 7th Son October 10, 2005

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