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Donald Trump

An egomaniacle, chauvinistic, xenophobic, shit stain that made a different campaign promise nearly everyday until enough morons bought his load of bullshit that he could make it into office and give all of his rich freinds positions of political power so they can change laws to favor their own businesses. Easily identified by his baby hands, ridiculous orange hairpiece, and mouth that looks like a dogs asshole right before it takes a big shit. Well-known for establishing a fake college to rip-off hard working americans trying to better their lives and having diarrhea of the mouth. Also known to sexually assault women whenever he feels like it. The worst example of a human with a personality disorder there is. The next president of the United States.

Oh no! Donald trump will be the next president!? Everyone who isn't in the top one percent is fucked.

by 99 percenter December 14, 2016

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