The most beautiful princess alive. She's perfect, loving, sweet, kind and caring. The one who deserves a special man who makes her happy.
She's damn near perfect, must be Seeham.
She`s a beautiful bangla goddess from with a 10 diamonds and 2 sapphires on her hand. The sapphires represent her husbands eyes which are blue like the ocean. She is the bringer of luck, happiness and fertility. She is very fierce when provoked according to folklore. Most talked about in Bangladesh, but some places around the world the name is known.
Don`t piss of that woman, she can go off like Seeham.
She is a beautiful woman like the goddess Seeham.
The most beautiful princess in the world. Always ready to help anyone with anything. Basically she's perfect in every single way. Her smile, her hair, her beauty, her kindness, her eyes.
My God, Seeham's eyes are beautiful.
The most beautiful princess alive today. A wonderful person who's full of love and devotion. Any man would be lucky to have her as a wife.
Wow, she's damn near perfect, she must be Seeham.