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Butt Hole Rodeo

While engaging in anal sex, at the point of climax you smack the girl on the ass and call her the wrong name. Than hold on as long as you can while she struggles to get off you.

I played the butt hole rodeo last night and managed to hang on for almost 10 seconds.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 12, 2009

41👍 4👎


Busted Ass Toe Nails. Disgusting Feet. Commonly seen when a person is barefoot or wearing flip flops with complete disregard for the eye sight of others.

That lady has a gnarly set of B.A.T's. B.A.T.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 13, 2009

1👍 2👎


Yellow Ass Toe nails. Similar to the B.A.T. However, in this case it looks like the person's toe nails have been chain smoking cigarettes for 50+ years. ( Often seen in white trash towns in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana).

She had the most rancid set of Y.A.T's I've ever seen. Y.A.T.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 13, 2009

7👍 14👎

Red Wings

When you go down on a girl while she's on her period.

When you go down on a girl and come up looking like Ronald McDonald. Earning your Red wings.

When you go down on a girl and walk away looking like a velociraptor that just had dinner. Earning your Red wings.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 12, 2009

60👍 29👎

Band Buffer

Person who performs sexual favors (usually oral) for all band members before live performance in order to settle nerves and anxiety.

My band buffer scaffed their teeth on my shaft, so I grabbed the baby powder and smacked a bitch.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 13, 2009

4👍 1👎