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Weaponised Assult Penguins are part or the communist state of the Penguins Communist State Republic in which they share all arms and bullets in order to defeat the anti penguin melitia. The WAP’s are a friendly state unless you don’t share all personal belongings in which you will die, you will be obliterated and eaten. The WAP’s are also very carnivourous and have been know to eat each other. If you are to approach a Weaponised Assult Penguin please don’t feed it a hand grenade as it will explode violently because WAP’s are highly reactive and atomic.

Friend 1: Get the WAP’s and prepare for war Friend 2: Against who sir?
Friend 1: VEGANS!

by A Portatatoe November 16, 2020


The disease of loosing too many brain cells after contracting salmonella from a turducken. Called chickenella by Luigi Spambrose as turduckenella didn’t work aswell as chickenella.

Friend 1: ugh I lost 78% of my bwain sells after eeting a turducken
Friend 2: we can sure tell because you can’t speak or spell properly because you got chickenella
Friend 1:oh

by A Portatatoe April 1, 2019

Spleb Bricklamented

Getting your chest cut open. Ripping out most vital organs except one lung in case of submarine useage. Your intestines flailing behind you and riding him in the snow to draw stuff in blood

Friend 1: get the spleb bricklamented
Friend 2: Fine, can we at least use him as a submarine after
Friend 1: ugh, fine

by A Portatatoe April 2, 2019