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soccer mom

This is hilarious. I had no idea that people spent so much energy hating, of all people, a group of family dedicated women known as "soccer moms". I fit some definitions; I'm in my early 30's, drive a fuel inefficient SUV to lug my kids & their equiptment, the family dog and our mountain bikes or snow boards, for lack of a better choice of vehicles that can accomodate my lifestyle--but please, as if I had much choice. When a fuel efficient car that can accomodate my kids and our stuff is an option I'll buy it, and yes I'm Christian. But here's where I differ...I'd NEVER put any bumper stickers on my SUV cuz it ruins the paint ;) My kids are homeschooled anyway. YES homeschooled! They learn what they want to learn and what is not taught in school (and I am not talking about the Bible, I'm talking skills needed in the real world). I am not an anal retentive mom who censors everything. That's unrealistic. There are harsh realities that I don't shelter my kids from because I would be doing them a disservice. My 8 year old listens to everything (r&b and rap being his favorites), loves Jazz and Oldies too, just NOT country music. Because my child is exposed to the cursing in rap, plays "violent" games like Unreal Tournament, watches Harry Potter movies, etc. he is a well rounded kid. We do censor of course, but aren't tight assed. We are not our child's "Friend" either and don't let kids walk over us. We are REAL parents who set boundaries and discipline. Not with ludicrous "time outs" but w/ REAL consequences. We are not lazy parents. We are very involved parents. My family isn't white, we are bi-racial (black and mexican) so we, or rather, I, don't fit the bitchy Starbuck's drinking home maker who overprotects her angelic kids to the point of driving the kids away and other "colorful" descriptions. I've met the stereotypical "soccer mom", and I don't like her either. But we are not ALL like that. There are more NOT like that than there are those who are. Really.

In reality soccer moms have gotten a bad rep because of some "bad apples". I don't live off my husband's income. In fact, in addition to homeschooling and tutoring kids other than my own, I operate two businesses, manage our familiy's real estate investments, volunteer doing publicity and fundraising for various organizations (not the PTA--remember, we homeschool), and guess what, excellent driver; I don't myself, my kids, or others in harm's way with bad driving. If my kids are late for activities then they are late...better late than never.

by A REAL balanced soccer mom November 10, 2005

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