Often the guy last to leave the classroom and tends to have a close relation to the janitor ;) doesnt do the best in class but still a reliable guy in doing work
Damn dude greg is quite the mop handler, its already 5pm why is he still here
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Often the guy who likes to be a piece of shit, generally brags about every little thing he can read about he shit he reads on the internet about his zodiac, jan etc. Often a spoiled child who never been punished by his parents of Jan is a mistake his father made disregarded by his parent/s he tends to be a naive insecure piece of
Bulking shit that likes to get everydrop of attention he can get, often sabotaging his fellow friends / classmates and spreading half-assed rumuors about his rivals he often befriends people to get something out of them, He is also very narcisistic often caliming to have a "BBC" or frequently metioning it when he is he subject, Jan tends to be bit of a bitch when it comes to women he will do everything to get a grasp on some sweater puppies or two rounds the palm of his hands he/she is very loud often jealous of on of his more sucessful classmates he often repeats the jokes said by his classmate/s but just in a shittier more melodramatic voice, he also relies on following trends to look cool; supreme and very not then not plays basketball an thinks hes good. Also thinks that he has an above average legth in hisΓ°ΒΒ₯Β
God damn it dude jan is really loud his voice practically sounds like a fork and plate rubbing each other.
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A lady you will rarely find and sometimes not find at all. She is a sophisticated person who tends to show mixed emotions about topics that directly affect her in both positive and negative ways, but she always manages to start conversations out of thin air. She is usually a very silent but when you get to know her she is a fairly interesting person, and also a bit touchy with NSFW related stuff.
"I don't know why but Jirah seems more interesting than I thought.."
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A typical entitled white kid who is often seen down the dumps or just hysterical generally sucks at using his words and relies on petty comebacks to try to insult his enemy. He often thinks he is superior to his asian or black schoolmates often insulting then based on they're races sterotype,physically hes very short often just makes shitty jokes about compensating and just recylpes the same shitty joke and melodramatic voice everytime.
Pfff! Marco aint shit he is just talk there he goes being a pussy