A very fat male or female prostitute who will trade sexual favors for fast food instead of drugs. Usually seen outside of mc donalds or burger king chasing down people in their cars at the drive thru asking if they like to party.
also somebody who shows up at cookouts (usually uninvited) just for the free food and beer, drinks all the beer, makes an ass out of him/herself, creeps out all the chicks, leaves early, and goes home with enough food to feed their whole family for a week and when I say something about how much food they're leaving with, they act like I'm the asshole!!!
A food whore will do the following things:
suck your whopper for a whopper, choke your chicken for a mc chicken, and tickle your sack for a big mac.
"I'm never inviting food whore bob to any of my cookouts again. He drank all the beer, got shit faced and started acting a fool. He yelled "yeah fuck niggers" really loud during a conversation that had nothing to do with that. He also creeped out all the ladies there and tried hitting on all of them (even the ugly ones, and the married ones in front of their husbands or b/f's) using weird pick up lines. Then when he went home only 2 hours after the cook out started (which I'm thankful for), he took home enough food to live on for a few days leaving not nearly enough for the crowd, then when john said something about that, bob started cursing john out in front of some little kids calling him a nigger lover and threatening to rape him in the ass with a samurai sword."
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A landlord who tries to maximize profits by not maintaining properties until threats of condemnation and charges more than the property's worth.
They usually own a-LOT of properties and those properties usually are in the ghetto while they are living in gated communities and mansions.
They don't care who they rent to or what the condition of the properties are in, just as long as they get rent money.
They will rent to the biggest pieces of shit on earth such as violent sex offenders, crack heads, jailbirds, white trash, alkys, junkies, thieves, gangbangers, or just plain assholes.
Usually only accept rent in cash to avoid taxes, may have a history of tax evasion charges, and serve alot of evictions.
When something goes wrong with the house due to neglect, the slumlord usually blames the tenants and raises the rent because he had to fix it.
Most slumlords do not give background checks or charge security deposits. However, if they do give a background check and you have a criminal history, no problem! They will let you move right in. And if they do charge security deposits, they will keep it and say ("you damaged the property more than the security deposit is worth, but i'm going to be nice not take you to court") just to psyche you out of suing him.
My house is falling apart, full of mold, mildew, rats and cockroaches and the roof is leaking. There is exposed wiring, broken windows, gaping holes in walls, lead paint peeling from the woodwork, and crack heads living upstairs. In the basement, there is a sewage leak and missing or broken structural beams AND THE LANDLORD AINT DOING SHIT ABOUT ANY OF THAT!!! He even rented out the downstairs apartment knowingly to a child molester fresh out of prison knowing I have 3 young children living with me. Then after I finally moved out, he had the balls to withhold my security deposit and take me to court saying i destroyed the apartment (eventhough i left it in better condition than when i moved in) and said that I didn't pay rent for 3 months. What a slumlord!
The building is now condemned and boarded up HA HA HA.
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When you set your hair on fire, or at least singe it, while trying to light the bong. Especially bad if youâre a long haired greasy hippie, youâll end up looking like ghost rider. Thatâs why you should get a haircut you god damn hippies.
Theyâve been telling Hippie Steve to get a haircut, or at least take a shower for years now, but he didnât listen. Then one day while trying to enjoy the marijuanas, unwashed for days and extremely greasy, his hair went up faster than nascar. That was the most brutal hippie haircut in the history of stonerhood. RIP Hippie Steve.
a moron who listens to punk rock and has a stupid red mohawk with the sides of his head shaved.
I'm bored, you wanna go beat up some rooster heads with me later on?
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A woman who only dates the biggest piece of shit bums from the shittiest possible neighborhoods with the most possible baby mommas and longest possible criminal record, typically letting him sponge off her while he openly sells nickel bags of the poorest quality drugs out of her home.
Or itâs a guy whoâs a hopeless romantic and tries turning a hoodrat into a housewife, and is completely oblivious to her whorish behavior when he isnât around.
The thing that both types of ghettophiles have in common, theyâre just being used by the other for the sexual and/or financial gain. And when the ghettophile has nothing left to give them, theyâre gone faster than a plate of bacon in front of a starving cannibalistic pig.
Often confused with "financially responsible" by stupid materialistic people who are extremely irresponsible with money, are likely in shitloads of debt, and have rich parents to sponge off of.
Examples of Cheap Asses:
Washing and re-using things such as paper towels, glad bags, trash bags, disposable razors, other disposables etc.....
Buying a beat up $400 clunker and driving it for 20+ years
Buying that wimpy single-ply butthole scraping dingleberry making sand paper, because it cost a whole dollar less than normal TP.
Stealing all the napkins, sporks, and ketchup packets from a fast food restaurant to take home.
Using the same tea bag/coffee filter for months at a time.
Showing up to a BYOB party with a 4 pack of steel reserve (or some other foul ass cheap beer typically consumed by alcoholics), bumming the good beers from friends all night, and leaving with said 4-pack.
Constantly "forgetting" wallet to get out of paying restaurant bills when eating out with friends.
Not tipping the waitress, even though the service and meal was satisfactory.
Moron: "Why can't you borrow me $5200 so I can pay off my credit card bills and support my gambling addiction? You're such a cheap ass!"
Financially responsible "cheap ass": "I won't borrow you any of my hard earned money because you'll probably end up blowing it some stupid useless shit you saw on TV, like a designer anal massager, instead of putting it towards your credit card bill anyway. Since you're unable to pay your bill, how can I trust that you'll even pay me back? Can't you get your daddy to pay it off, since he's loaded?"
Moron: "Nope, my cheap ass daddy finally got tired of my bullshit and cut me off."
Financially responsible "cheap ass": *palms forehead*
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Poor man's hash
The black tar like substance that you scrape from your pipe which can be smoked as a last resort when weed and/or weed money isn't around.
May give some people headaches.
If you're out of weed and short on cash, or if everyone's dry and weed isn't to be found and you need to take the edge off, pipe poop will do the trick.
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