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A suburban town where a bunch of entitled white kids run around being sluts and wannabe gangsters. Teen pregnancy is a usual and you can’t walk around your school with out seeing a white girl wearing a crop top and skinny jeans crying about some dumbass reason. If you are looking for an intelligent conversation you are in the wrong place because everyone in this town is missing brain cells. These white kids call themselves drug dealers when all they do is sell juul pods to 12 year olds. Every Senior in high school preys on freshman and 8th graders and parents don’t know what the fuck is going on in their daughter’s lives.

Jack: “Where are you from”
Jill: “I’m from Folsom”
Jack: “me too, let’s go hit my juul and and spread rumors about your best friend”

by A different path May 6, 2019

32👍 10👎