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Stands for Hot Piece of Ass in middle-age douchebag slang. Guys in their middle ages, born in the 60s and 70s, who think they are hip and cool because they have money and a bmw and actually think people care, usually use this acronym because they are retarded and mess up the original, HPOA.

"HOPA" can be heard often in office buildings of brokers, bankers, insurance salesmen, and other douchebag professions where middle managers, who have risen based on kissing ass, often try to be cool in front of their male colleagues. HOPA is also often heard at douchebag self help seminars in random suburban hotel conference rooms where these middle aged douchebags swarm...with certain topics like "How to own a Ferrari in 5 steps." "10 steps to ultimate financial success." "How to Install a Supersized Pool And Other Shit You Dont Need in your McMansion"

Douche at work: Yeah man, I totally think that HOPA wants my balls.

Normal dude: You mean HPOA? Aren't you like 40 dude and have kids and a wife?

by A fan of a girl August 11, 2010

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