Any person that is a fan of meowbahh,dream,z00philes,furrys,png tubers that r bad or someone who is any of those
Child:I like dream and I am a png tuber and I love love our dog
Dad:Great so Iâll tell youâ¦
Mom and Dad: You are a Failed Abortion
When a huge ass spider lives in ur house
Child:Dad thereâs a big spider
Narrator:as we can see this is the first clue of a Arachnusmovethefuckoutnuss
Phone:Welcome to petes pizzaria and abortion centre where yesterdays loss is todays sause
Scammer:lol funny Meme
A homeless idiot whoâs a wannabe that is disrespectful and said the r word and ate while making a apology she also said a stupid ass religion called âmeow religion â is the only real religion
Someone:hey whoâs meowbahh
Someone 2:-points at a trash can-