The arrising structure an interdimensional inflection point.
The seeding of a universe within itself.
The reflections of a fractal geometry aligning with itself, creating evermore complex experiences.
Time, space and gravity are expressions of unity of a system.
This seeding is done by the universal consciouness breaking into smaller bodies as a means through which the the Word, may be heard and the creation becomes creator
Like a snake shedding its skin and eating its own tail. The Ouroboros.
The Magnum opus.
Reincarnation is the essence of creation.
Experiencing every particle, lifeform, planet, star within the cosmos.
Like downloading a movie to entertain your guests. Like an painter and model.
This single evolving being hosts its future, past and present selves. Time ceases to exhibit its effects on the higher planes of perception.
Non-locality implies that time is non-linear and we are already omnipresent and thus able to bilocate and interact with ourselves across time.
The ever repeating journey of the soul forgetting and becoming whole.
The toroidal (donut/apple shape) models the geometric expansion of a singularity towards seperation and a critical point at after divergence becomes convergence.
The fruit of life.
A fractal pattern through which the whole system can be recreated from the information present in every particle. The holographic principle.
There is but one natural law.
The law of One.
Consciousness, death and (re)creation.
Our destiny, by natural law, is to reincarnate, experience and evolve from experiencing a universe to creating a new one.
The growth of your soul seeding the lights of the stars inside you.