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Short for historical European martial arts basicaly stuff that keeped people alive a bit longer from the 1300s and later. In HEMA the general arms used & learned are polearms, shortswords, arming swords, longswords, greatswords, falchions, backswords, daggers and quarterstaffs. In armored and non armored combat situations.

Going to a school that teaches HEMA you will find nerds, weebs, medieval history enthusiasts, mediveal fantasy fanatics or crossbreeds of those listed above or the ones who made it out of the basement/attic in a stuffly hall all trying to hit each other with blunt replicas of the real thing (or shinai for the weebs). Usually get a sudden population boom after some medieval and renaissance fairs like ironfest.

person 1: HEMA is not just an excuse to have a sword collection. It's for self defense proposes.
person 2: But what about guns?
person 1: What if Australia.
person 2: Yes.

by A long messer July 22, 2019

42👍 70👎