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private school

Okay, lets get this straight. this is a noun being used as an adjective. I'll try getting the adjective straight.

If you give a public school uniforms, then that's what private school is like, but in lesser numbers of students. the only difference is maybe a hundred/thousand dollars. A number of kids who are in a private school usually take the chance to go to a public school once they get the chance.

If you give them a few nuns/priests/brothers/teachers who actually give a damn/anything-of-the-like, then you have a catholic school.

For those who think that private school kids get the better jobs, take a good look at the most famous people today. One hell of a majority of them come from public schools. dammit, maybe even some of those people you see stuck on the street are from private schools.

By money, not everyone can afford private school, obviously. Some of the people in those private schools can barely afford the right things themselves. To put things into perspective, most of the laws passed to make schools better have always been pretty much 99.9% for public schools. If someone believes that private school has an immunity to black people or something like that, it depends on the school. last year, i went to a big catholic school, and there were probably four black people in our whole grade of 73 kids. Now i'm in one of the poorest(but most tight knit; which is good)private high schools in the area, and there's not a class i have without them(i'm proud of that.)

As high-end as you think we are, with an immunity to decently positive emotion, there's not much that a private schooler can hide from.

It's usually the really rich ones who end up having more problems later in life, protected from certain dangers, but in the end may have to face them. The more they avoid danger, the less they learn. without the common mistakes made in daily life, people can't really live and are gonna lack in experience. The people who you define as private schoolers are the people who can only understand the small little world that they had lived in(unless they pushed to understand more.)

The people of the stereotypical sort who believe that the pains and blisses that they have are only limited to them or others should understand that barely anything in this world holds a barrier on who a person or people are.

Recognize this. People really can't define themselves as private school or public school kids. It's like saying you live a normal average life.

There is no normal, there is no such thing as average.

there is no such thing as a boundary. What you see around you that says that the limit is there is an attempt to define and understand the world around you. that point might not even be correct.

by A private high schooler kid. April 11, 2007

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