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A follower of the neo-pagan religion wicca. Wiccans are polytheistic nature worshippers. They worship a 'moon' goddess and horned god. They observe 8 sabbats, Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Midsummer, Beltane, Mabon and Lammas. They are based off of seasonal changes and harvests which also repersent changes in their god and goddess.

Wiccans are not evil, and generally do not do 'bad' magic, they follow the rule of three (Belief that what ever you do comes back to you three times as bad or good depending on what it was you did).

In some respects Wicca is a old religion, as it is the revival of religions that perished when Christianity was spread like a plague through out europe, but wicca as we know it now didn't show up until the nineteen-hundreds.

Wiccans are followers of Wicca

by A. Delano August 29, 2005

550👍 303👎


Synonymous with sexy, attractive, fine. It is the ultimate compliment.

'Wow, Kielo is very smezy!'

by A. Delano August 28, 2005

7👍 17👎