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Uncle Fester

Uncle Fester - Child Molestor

Not originally used by the gentry of old east London town, now officially part of the Cockney rhyming dictionary and appearing on various 'Cockney' translation sites, ''Uncle Fester'' has become the new ''Nonce'' or ''Kiddie Fiddler.''

Apparently movies such as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - full of faux Cockney wording - encouraged people to take up creating their own rhyming slang.

''Uncle Fester'' has been affectionately adopted and accepted as a more modern alternative to ''nonce'' in many areas of East and South London.

1. ''Did you 'ear about ol' Keith? Yeah...turns out the filthy git's an Uncle Fester, 'e's been done for feelin' up some schoolie.''

2.Some celebrity Uncle Festers include; Gary Glitter. Pete Townshend, Matthew Kelly, R. Kelly, Kanye West and Elton John.

by A. Jackson October 16, 2007

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(Noun): Money made by strippers, esp. cash stuffed in their undergarments by strip-club patrons. Often used in a derogatory fashion.

"Lemme guess, you spent all your thong-dollaz on lipo and a boob job. Of course, in your line of work those are tax-deductible."

First used in the web-comic Questionable Content

by A. Jackson January 12, 2007

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