Just an overall nice guy. if you treat him like shit tho he will either make you sorry or wish you were never born.
also he hates vegans
girl "my dad left me"
Dean "I am there for you bae"
girl "shut up you ugly dumbass"
Dean "at least my dad can be seen"
An absolute asshole that is as entitled as a karen but acts like a gigachad, she is such an asshole to good people with the name Dean and is nice to everyone else. if she is still like this she will become a prostitiute
Dean - Yo Dante you alright
Dante - Yeah
*Five minutes later*
Hannah - Dante are you ok you look so sad
Dean - He is fine, I talked to him (in sincere tone)
Hannah - Dean, Shut the fuck up, you are always butting into peoples private business
Dean - I was just sayi-
Hannah - I don't give a shit
Dean - What did I do to deserve that shit
Adam - *Shrugs* she is just an asshole