Sexual act in which the dude blows his load on the girls tits and proceeds to lick it up. Chest resembles mountaints covered in snow. Related to snowball
Mark gave Laura the avalanche and it really freaked her shit out.
5π 17π
Made popular by Bailey Scourey. A Makeout Hug is technically...hugging for an extended period of time...usually between 2-10 minutes.
"Wow, that makeout hug was like, 20 minutes long."
28π 12π
..when an individual is persuaded in his/her actions or decisions as a direct result of a female he/she is interested in or in a relationship with.
..Behavior changes based on ones interest in a female as a direct result of ensuing tail.
derived from poontang and cloud
Haven't heard from peter in a while, he must be under the poon cloud still.
Don't mind him he isn't acting as he should the poon cloud is to thick.
22π 6π
crooked, or sideways, cockeyed.
mrs. gross has some jinky ass eyes.
3π 30π
Only found on males. Havin no muscles so your ribs stick out like a bird cage, hince the term bird chest.
That lil nigga was so weak i crushed his punk ass bird chest wit one blow.
319π 177π
when your penis resembles that of a small bean
"Peter has a tiny beenie weenie".
19π 11π
usually a reserve for a pool/snooker game, that is left on the side of the table when someone else is playing, so that you 'reserve' your game after theirs, or after the knocks been put down before yours.
paul, i'll go and put a knock on the table yeah?